Sunday, June 30, 2013

Another Visit To Chapel Street

Yesterday afternoon after attending The Astor Theatre with a friend to see a 2K projection of "Indiana Jones And The Last Crusade" I made a quick visit to Penny Syber's Books just a short walk up Chapel Street.

I haven't visited this store since March so I was hopeful of finding some new Bond paperbacks in stock... and there were.  Four books from my last visit still remained (two Gardners, a Faulks and a Markham), but this time there were also five new Raymond Hawkey Flemings (as can be seen in the photos below).  There was also a copy of the harder to find paperback "Double O Seven James Bond: A Report" by O.F. Snelling.

Unfortunately I had a copy of all books available but it's great to see 60's Bond paperbacks still out there circulating.

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