Monday, June 10, 2019

A Week In Port Douglas

My wife and I are currently on holiday in Port Douglas, Queensland.  We realised we've seen so many fantastic sights around the world but had never seen the Great Barrier Reef in our own backyard.  So we organised this week as our Winter getaway for this year.

While walking around the town we came across The Book Lounge, a second-hand book store containing hundreds of paperbacks and hardbacks, all well organised and fairly priced.

There were plenty Bond novels for sale too including a first edition of Fleming's "The Man With The Golden Gun" published by Jonathan Cape, but unfortunately sans dustjacket.

I did buy a book as well, a nice copy of "The Book Of Bond" published by Pan in 1965 to replace my existing copy at home.

My wife has informed me of other book stores we may be able to visit, however until then here's some photos of Port Douglas I've taken so far:

Four Mile Beach
Not a coconut but some round seed on the beach
Our hotel with it's own lagoon
View of Port Douglas from a lookout               

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