Saturday, January 24, 2015

Piz Gloria Website Launched Three Years Ago Today

Three years ago today was launched on the web.  I remember when I first launched the website and then while I continued adding books I nervously awaited criticism from other Bond paperback collectors that I was missing heaps of books.  But thankfully the negative emails never arrived.  There were plenty of positive emails though as collector's found my site and enjoyed browsing it and I'm still indebted to those people for their support.

Obviously there are still a number of covers I'm missing, and as 2014 was a very quiet one for Bond paperback releases I spent the year concentrating on finding those absent covers.  Unfortunately our house renovations sucked up much of my time (and money) resulting in fewer purchases also.
As I have done on this date in previous years I'd like to add some stats.  I fear they're not going to be as good as previous years but I'm still glad to be one of many Bond fan sites on the web.  All stats are care of Google Analytics:

Year 1 - Jan 24, 2012 to Jan 23, 2013

Year 2 - Jan 24, 2013 to Jan 23, 2014

Year 3 - Jan 24, 2014 to Jan 23, 2015
So after comparing the three years the basic summary is:
1) The number of visitors marginally increased from year 1 to year 2 but then decreased from year 2 to year 3
2) The time spent on the site by users has decreased by almost a minute as each year has passed
3) The number of pages visited has also decreased as each year passes
On a positive note the percentage of New to Returning visitors has remained almost the same for each year:

Year 1 - Jan 24, 2012 to Jan 23, 2013

Year 2 - Jan 24, 2013 to Jan 23, 2014 
Year 3 - Jan 24, 2014 to Jan 23, 2015

As of today there are 579 covers shown which is only 8 more than this time last year.  That's probably the least number of books I've purchased in a year.  But there is another book currently in the mail and as soon as I can access my books again (the room is currently full of boxes) I plan to add a new page to the website of other Bond paperback items.

Anyway, thanks again everyone for visiting and contributing to the stats above and I hope you'll return again soon,

Cheers Bazeer


  1. Hi Bazeer, Happy Third Birthday to the excellent website, here's to many more. Looking forward to seeing the boxed sets. All the best, Tim

  2. Congrats on your website’s third anniversary! Those figures are really impressive. Anyway, what are your plans moving forward? It’s always best if you have plan to sustain your website, be it via updating its look or adding new content from time to time.

    Chris Hatcher @ Red Stick SEO
